DrolleryMedieval drollery of a knight on a horse
flowery border with man falling
flowery border with man falling

Currently, ian.ist is hosted with Vercel. I am using Vercel and not my Bitranchlabs Infra because it was easier, and I am also not sure if I am going to keep my Kubernetes stuff running — it’s $50+ / month for something I really don’t need. Vercel is great, I have no real reason to leave, except that my website’s content is in my private org repo, while the rest of the site is in the Sylvan repo, and the org content must be mounted into the Sylvan repo in order to build this site.

I might have a solution that would allow me to continue with Vercel, while also having these two separate repos. Vercel can either build the project for you, or it can be triggered from GitHub actions. The best way I can think to use this is to trigger the Vercel deployment from the private org-mode repo I have on Github. This action will pull in my Sylvan repo, mount the org content into that project, build the project, and then trigger the Vercel deployment. I think I can break this into two approximate parts; first, trigger Vercel deployments from the org repo and second trigger the org repo’s action when changes occur to Sylvan.

Deploying to Vercel from a GitHub action

I am just following right along with the docs they provide here. Step one is to create the workflow file in my org repo:

name: GitHub Actions Vercel Preview Deployment
  VERCEL_ORG_ID: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_ORG_ID }}
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Install Vercel CLI
        run: npm install --global vercel@latest
      - name: Pull Vercel Environment Information
        run: vercel pull --yes --environment=preview --token=${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
      - name: Build Project Artifacts
        run: vercel build --token=${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
      - name: Deploy Project Artifacts to Vercel
        run: vercel deploy --prebuilt --token=${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
name: GitHub Actions Vercel Production Deployment
  VERCEL_ORG_ID: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_ORG_ID }}
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Install Vercel CLI
        run: npm install --global vercel@latest
      - name: Pull Vercel Environment Information
        run: vercel pull --yes --environment=production --token=${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
      - name: Build Project Artifacts
        run: vercel build --prod --token=${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
      - name: Deploy Project Artifacts to Vercel
        run: vercel deploy --prebuilt --prod --token=${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}

Of course, these alone won’t do the trick since my org repo doesn’t actually contain a NextJS project. I need to pull that NextJS code in from the Sylvan repo in a separate step. We can do this by adding another checkout step to the action:

- name: Checkout Sylvan
  uses: actions/checkout@v2
    repository: pard68/sylvan
    path: /app

I’ll be honest, GitHub actions have always confused me, I’m never really certain how they work or where I am. I think the easiest way to do this is to actually checkout the Sylvan repo first and then checkout the org repo into a directory of the previously checked out Sylvan repo, like such:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Checkout Sylvan
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
        repository: pard68/sylvan
    - name: Checkout Org content
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
        path: src/content/


I ended up copying the org repo to a directory called org/ and then using a step to mv org/* public/. I did this because there is content in the public/ directory in the Sylvan repo that I want to keep (fonts and SVGs).

Trigger builds when Sylvan repo changes

Now to trigger the build action when the Sylvan repo changes I need to add another build hook called a repository_dispatch:

      - master
      - build

I’m not going to do this on the preview builds, just doesn’t seem like there’s much point to that, so we’ll only trigger a rebuild on the master branch. This dispatch event is basically a way for us to trigger the action from outside of GitHub — which is confusing because we’re actually triggering this action from another GitHub repo’s action. Think of this as a means of triggering actions via REST. Next we create a new developer token with the repo scope and add that to the repo that we want to “watch”. And then finally we create the action on that other repo. You’ll want to update the repo name in the URI to whatever user or org’s repo is the one that is getting triggered. Also notice that the event_type is set to build, which corresponds to the dispatch type specified previously:

name: Trigger rebuild of parent repo
    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
    container: alpine/httpie
      - name: Notify parent repo
        run: http post https://api.github.com/repos/<User/Org>/<Repo Name>/dispatches "Authorization:token ${{ secrets.NOTIFY_TOKEN }}" event_type=build --ignore-stdin

I ended up changing the type from build to sylvan-update because that type name is what the action’s run is called and this way it’s a bit more expressive


Just a quick update, I have written my Github Action as a literate file, so now you can check it out here, the nifty thing about this is that the file is what I use to compile the yaml for the GH actions, so it is in some sense a “living” document and will always reflect what I am actually using.