DrolleryMedieval drollery of a knight on a horse
flowery border with man falling
flowery border with man falling

A bit late on the linklog this week. I’ve not been getting up early like I usually do, so I’ve not had the time to write as much.

2023-09-22T21:20:49.472Zhybrids - a framework for the web with unique declarative and functional architecture
2023-09-22T15:40:40.179ZThe Listeroid Slow-Speed Co-Generator
2023-09-21T18:50:28.153ZRobot - a fast 1kB functional library for creating Finite State Machines
2023-09-21T14:08:30.169ZRig Some Light
2023-09-20T22:57:36.107ZLit Element Simple Starter Kit with Vitejs+TypeScript - DEV Community
2023-09-20T22:30:42.405Zfulcrologic/fulcro: A library for development of single-page full-stack web applications in clj/cljs
2023-09-20T22:26:57.948Zhoplon/hoplon: Hoplon web development tools and libraries.
2023-09-20T13:46:30.306ZGetting into Pinball – Tynan.com
2023-09-20T13:08:57.242ZComments On Comments
2023-09-19T01:21:57.195Ztslilc/siege-mode: An emacs minor mode to surround the region with smart delimiters interactively.
2023-09-19T01:06:16.827ZEmacs is My New Window Manager
2023-09-19T01:00:21.611Zpunpun-themes: Bleak Emacs themes
2023-09-19T00:57:55.480Zcycle-region: Preview and restore previous regions
2023-09-19T00:21:05.680Zbbatsov/prelude: Prelude is an enhanced Emacs 25.1+ distribution that should make your experience with Emacs both more pleasant and more powerful.
2023-09-18T23:58:20.642Zbbatsov/guru-mode: Learn to use Emacs the way it was meant to be used (the Emacs guru way)
2023-09-18T23:57:43.595Zbbatsov/crux: A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions for Emacs
2023-09-18T23:46:09.314ZSystemCrafters/crafted-emacs: A sensible base Emacs configuration.
2023-09-18T01:25:24.976ZCombobulate: Editing and Searching with the new Query Builder - Mastering Emacs
2023-09-18T01:24:39.087ZSaying Farewell to the ESV – A Daughter of the Reformation
2023-09-18T01:07:26.817Zrougier/nano-emacs: GNU Emacs / N Λ N O - Emacs made simple
2023-09-18T01:07:13.766Zrougier/elegant-emacs: A very minimal but elegant emacs (I think)
2023-09-18T01:07:07.533ZLambda-Emacs/lambda-themes: A set of four light and dark themes for Emacs.
2023-09-17T20:04:50.746ZBrowsing like it’s 1994
2023-09-17T19:50:00.206Zsimonrob/email-oauth2-proxy: An IMAP/POP/SMTP proxy that transparently adds OAuth 2.0 authentication for email clients that don’t support this method.
2023-09-17T16:54:26.581ZWhat’s the Best Bible Translation? And More Importantly, Why? - Berean Patriot
2023-09-15T23:49:30.720ZEmacs configuration
2023-09-15T23:49:00.361Zjwiegley/dot-emacs: My .emacs.el file and other personal Emacs goodies
2023-09-15T19:56:34.124Zjdtsmith/speedrect: Quick key bindings and other tools for rectangle-mark-mode
2023-09-15T19:22:22.009ZIs there an option to initially narrow? · Issue #251 · minad/consult
2023-09-15T19:20:49.817Zsulami/literate-calc-mode.el: 🧮 Literate programming for M-x calc
2023-09-15T00:47:02.921Zmojochao/npm-mode: An Emacs minor mode for working with NPM projects.
2023-09-15T00:45:45.239Zjmfirth/yarn.el: Create and manage Node.JS packages with Yarn inside Emacs.
2023-09-15T00:40:03.107Znode.js - npm don’t display prompt correctly under emacs eshell - Stack Overflow
2023-09-14T19:02:11.051Zjank programming language - Clojure/LLVM/C++
2023-09-14T16:42:38.703Zprogfolio/wordel: Wordle in Emacs
2023-09-14T15:42:00.684Zstsquad/my-emacs-stuff: My .emacs and various support bits and pieces
2023-09-14T13:40:15.352ZAndrey Listopadov
2023-09-14T12:38:28.094ZHome | RPG in a Box
2023-09-14T01:52:58.968ZPulsar (pulsar.el) | Protesilaos Stavrou
2023-09-14T01:51:29.944ZExploring the Denote Emacs Package // Take on Rules
2023-09-14T01:46:52.524Zshackle: Enforce rules for popup windows
2023-09-14T01:38:44.304Zmagit/transient: Transient commands
2023-09-14T01:38:29.581ZProject Dispatch Menu with Org Mode Metadata, Denote, and Transient // Take on Rules
2023-09-14T01:14:11.570Z4clojure 4ever
2023-09-14T01:12:57.374ZClojureScript - Quick Start
2023-09-14T01:12:00.633ZLearn to Program the World’s Most Bodacious Language with Clojure for the Brave and True
2023-09-14T01:10:57.123ZBuilding Nubank
2023-09-14T01:08:42.716ZTIC-80 tiny computer
2023-09-14T01:08:30.613ZMinetest | Open source voxel game engine
2023-09-14T01:07:52.359ZLuakit Web Browser
2023-09-14T01:06:02.067Zluakit/luakit: Fast, small, webkit based browser framework extensible by Lua.
2023-09-14T01:03:56.772Zbakpakin/moonmint: A Web Framework for Lua
2023-09-14T00:30:02.985ZWhy is the 2 by 4 getting smaller and smaller? - YouTube
2023-09-13T23:27:55.932Zrde Manual
2023-09-13T23:13:43.498Z500’000€ Prize for Compressing Human Knowledge
2023-09-13T22:25:36.332ZFinger-counting - Wikipedia
2023-09-13T22:25:11.575ZFinger binary - Wikipedia
2023-09-13T22:24:03.040ZAbacus - Wikipedia
2023-09-13T22:23:56.258ZChisanbop - Wikipedia
2023-09-13T22:22:53.825ZNapier’s bones - Wikipedia
2023-09-13T22:22:35.007ZSoroban - Wikipedia
2023-09-13T22:20:56.499ZSlide rule - Wikipedia
2023-09-13T21:34:04.818Ztonyaldon/jack at 3b4ea97fcc107d0ffd201ea695129af52f390113
2023-09-13T21:33:57.808Zmclear-tools/consult-notes: Use consult to search notes
2023-09-13T21:33:54.129Znamilus/denote-menu: View and filter Denote files in a tabulated list
2023-09-13T20:37:54.629Ztonyaldon/jack: jack is a HTML generator library for Emacs Lisp.
2023-09-13T18:46:35.909ZBitty Engine - An itty bitty game engine
2023-09-13T17:29:03.501ZEmacs, naked.
2023-09-13T13:22:54.853Zminigdx/tiny: Tiny is a lightweight 2D game engine that allows developers to easily create games using the Lua programming language.
2023-09-13T10:59:23.136ZWAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools
2023-09-13T10:58:52.517Znoctuid/link-hint.el: Pentadactyl-like Link Hinting in Emacs with Avy
2023-09-13T10:58:41.979Zxuchunyang/grab-mac-link.el: Grab link from Mac Apps and insert it into Emacs
2023-09-13T10:58:02.702Zsshaw/git-link: Emacs package to get the GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab/… URL for a buffer location
2023-09-13T10:53:31.854ZE/N | sawv
2023-09-12T23:37:31.506Zvkz/multi: multiple dispatch “Swiss army-knife” for Emacs Lisp
2023-09-12T23:36:55.836Zkurisuwhyte/emacs-multi: Clojure-style multi-methods for Emacs Lisp
2023-09-12T21:50:36.106ZEmacs Redux | Return to the Essence of Text Editing
2023-09-12T21:26:18.522Zkmonad/kmonad: An advanced keyboard manager
2023-09-12T21:10:36.316ZEngrammer - Arno’s Engram layout for programmers - The Terminal Programmer
2023-09-12T21:10:26.236Zmanna-harbour/miryoku: Miryoku is an ergonomic, minimal, orthogonal, and universal keyboard layout.
2023-09-12T20:41:12.619ZMoErgo Glove80 programmable ergonomic keyboard - The Terminal Programmer
2023-09-06T01:46:32.456ZHow to DIY a Garage Storage Lift System | Family Handyman
2023-09-05T22:35:57.431ZHome - AmblesideOnline - Charlotte Mason Curriculum
2023-09-05T22:18:56.581Zergoemacs-mode Quick start Guide
2023-09-05T22:18:48.727ZEmacsWiki: Cua Mode
2023-09-05T22:18:40.869ZEmacs cua-mode Problems
2023-09-05T21:40:38.219ZPretty Map folding with CSS
2023-09-05T20:46:27.207ZEveryPsalm — Poor Bishop Hooper
2023-09-05T17:36:33.580ZA guide to home row mods
2023-09-05T12:34:01.218Zemacs-bedrock: Stepping stones to a better Emacs experience