DrolleryMedieval drollery of a knight on a horse
flowery border with man falling
flowery border with man falling

I thought it might be interested in starting a Linklog, not so much in the vein of true 90s and early 00s blogging such as Tony Finch’s own linklog, but something more of a facsimile to Peter Hogg’s, which is to say weekly or monthly, and occasionally with commentary. I’ve been using a bookmarking service called ”Raindrop” and I use it pretty extensively in order to keep the number of tabs I have open to a minimum. About once per week I try to organize and sort the links I’ve bookmarked on Raindrop, and I thought I could export them to here as well. I like to think I find some fairly interesting websites now and then.

I shall endeavor to start my effort tomorrow, cleaning out the last week-ish (since the 23rd really) of new, unsorted bookmarks, and sharing them here. Raindrop actually has a pretty robust API, as I understand, and it might be that I can automate a large portion of the linklog post creation!